Enter. Insert key. Turn key. Not so much as a sound. (!)

Has this ever happened to you?  OK, maybe the better question here is how many times might you have experienced this, right?  We all must have had this happen first hand or at least witnessed this once.  And you know how it seems to happen when you’re already running behind, don’t you?!  Well, fear not because there’s a small list of things you should try on your own before you panic (and we don’t recommend panicking at all if it can be avoided).  Follow these steps:
01. Double check your fuse box.  You want to rule this out first because sometimes your “fix” is as simple as replacing a fuse or two.
02. May seem obvious but make sure you have fuel.  You’re not the first to overlook this important detail, and you won’t be the last.
03. Check your oil level.  You do not want your car starting if your oil level or oil pressure isn’t what it should be.  Perhaps this won’t cause immediate damage (although it can) but you can bet it will if it goes unattended for long.
04. If you happen to have a battery tester (and most don’t) use it to confirm whether or not your battery is still keeping a charge.  If you don’t have a tester you can always ask somebody to give you a jump.  Should the car start, you most likely need a new battery.  But that may not be all you need.  One clear indication of whether or not your battery is due to be replaced is any sign of excess corrosion on the terminals.  This is unless of course you happen to clean yours regularly.  If that’s the case, we have other numbers we can give you to break this problem.
05. Double check that your ignition wires are not loose.  Badly connected wires can cause a dangerous arc, among other things, rendering your vehicle unsafe to operate.
Now, this is by no means a definitive list, but it should at least provide you with a starting point.  Our team of experts have the necessary skill and tools to properly diagnose your “no start” condition, and you’re welcome to contact us anytime if you should still require additional assistance.
We’ll cover other potential variables that might result in your vehicle not starting in future blog entries, including but not limited to testing an alternator, starter, and fuel pump.  These, too, without the right amount of care can often be the culprit.

Written by cargrandrapids